AIRAFT- Science, Technology, and Innovation Policy
Science, Technology, and Innovation Policy

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Science, Technology, and Innovation Policy

Macro and Industrial Policies

  • Macroeconomic and transportation policies and their impact on the automotive industry
  • Models and macro policies for the development and competitiveness of the automotive industry
  • Governance policies and the triple interaction between university, industry, and government
  • Horizontal and vertical policies and smart specialization in the automotive industry
  • Privatization policies and implementation policies of Article 44 in the automotive industry
  • Transcendence policies, learning, technology transfer, and local production
  • Research and development policies, open innovation, and knowledge spillovers
  • Import and export policies in the automotive industry
  • Global policies and sustainable development in safety, health, environment, pollutants, and technical standards

Redesign and Regulation of Automotive Industry Markets

  • Regulatory governance in the automotive industry
  • Regulatory system of the automotive industry and improvement strategies
  • Pricing mechanisms in the automotive industry
  • Tariff and non-tariff mechanisms and market management
  • Improving the business environment and removing production barriers in the automotive industry (Labor law, commercial law, etc.)
  • Mechanisms for the production of clean vehicles (gas-powered, hybrid, and electric)
  • Necessary incentives for using clean vehicles (investment in infrastructure, subsidies for low-consumption vehicles, etc.)
  • Necessary incentives for adopting new technologies (electric technologies, smart technologies, active safety, and guiding systems)

Foresight and Scenario Planning in the Automotive Industry

  • Future trends in the global automotive industry
  • Developments and driving forces of future automotive industry scenarios
  • Future hardware technologies in the automotive industry
  • Future software and managerial technologies in the automotive industry
  • The future of production methods focusing on Industry 4.0 and required infrastructures
  • The future of clean energy and sustainable development and its impact on the automotive industry
  • Platforms and requirements for smart transformation in the automotive industry

Financial Supply and Domestic and Foreign Investment

  • Modern financial platforms, capital market securities, and their instruments
  • Innovative financing methods (crowdfunding, stock market for knowledge-based companies in the automotive industry, etc.)
  • Liquidity supply methods, working capital, and stock funds
  • Financial structure reform and profitability management in the automotive industry
  • New investment methods in research and technology development, design, and production
  • Venture capital investment, modern risk management methods, etc.
  • Accelerators, innovation funds, research and technology funds, and technology markets

Innovation Ecosystem Management and Knowledge-Based and Startup Enterprises

  • Optimal structure and functions of the innovation ecosystem in the automotive industry
  • The role of major entrepreneurs and industrial companies in knowledge-based development of the automotive industry
  • The role of newcomers, startups, and knowledge-based companies in the automotive industry
  • The role of supportive institutions in innovation development in the automotive industry (technology parks, incubators, accelerators, and innovation zones)
  • The role of universities and research centers in knowledge-based development of the automotive industry
  • Intellectual property rights, open and networked innovation methods, and their requirements
  • Technology exchange centers, technology valuation, and service providers in the automotive ecosystem
  • Methods for financing and human resource development in the innovation ecosystem of the automotive industry
  • Regulations, business environment, and mechanisms for developing the innovation ecosystem of the automotive industry

Value Chain Management in the Automotive Industry

  • New structural approaches to value chain management in the automotive industry
  • Strategies and suitable structures for value chain development (SMEs, equipment and parts suppliers, service providers, etc.)
  • Transformative approaches in logistics management (integration of transport, ordering, manufacturing, warehousing processes, etc.)
  • New methods of information and communication management in the automotive value chain
  • Strategies for developing engineering, design, technology exchange, and laboratory service companies
  • Development and economic production of standard and advanced engineering equipment and materials in the automotive industry
  • Value chain (from supply to after-sales service and recycling) and environmental considerations
  • Reducing foreign exchange dependency and reliance on imported parts, materials, and equipment
  • Strategies for developing startups and specialized networks in after-sales services
  • IT solutions and service development strategies
  • Appropriate logistics development strategies in after-sales services
  • Policies and mechanisms for warranty and guarantee
  • New value-added services and potential business transformations
  • Industry renewal strategies, scrapping old vehicles, and proper recycling and environmental protection strategies
  • Strategies for developing domestic and international distribution networks

Human Resource Development at Different Levels

  • New technologies for knowledge and skill training at the worker level
  • Necessary infrastructures for knowledge management and succession planning
  • Benchmarking in managerial methods
  • Diagnostics and benchmarking suitable methods for reward and punishment in operational and managerial levels
  • Organization and project management methods in manufacturing companies
  • Attracting and retaining talented professionals
  • Diagnostics and educational needs assessment in schools and universities for emerging technologies and transformations in the automotive industry
  • Strategies for enhancing human resource resilience in economic hardships and technological disruptions
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